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Compose music app. Write a melody app. Sheet music table app.

Compose music app. Write a melody app. Sheet music table app.


Compose music app - The simple app for music composers, songwriters, music writer, music students and everyone who wishes to write music easy. Compose music quick and easy like a composer!


Think of any great piece of music from any genre and it will (most likely) have a great melody.
- Writing music takes 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.
Sometimes a great melody will just pop into your head as though it has been divinely inspired; on other occasions you will have to work at 2 or 3 melodic ideas over a long period of time, mixing them up until you finally produce a melody that inspires.


Step 1: Play your melody.
Step 2: Add / remove notes & rests, keeping the coherence of your melody.
Step 3: Listen to your melody again.
Step 4: Save your melody.

We will do our best to keep improving COMPOSE MUSIC APP


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